วันพุธที่ 23 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551


Her are listed the most important cancer preventing effects suggested by results from recent projects. However, research is going on, and these results are not yet complete or absolutely certain.

These substances give general cancer prevention effects: Sulforaphanes found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables.

Colo-rectal cancer: These substances help protect against colo-rectal cancer: Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), Folic acid / folate in combination with other B-vitamins, Selenium, Indol-3-carbinol from cruciferous vegetables, Genistein from soy, and possibly also vitamin D. Alfa-tocoferol (a kind of Vitamin E) may help, but project results are not conclusive jet.

Gastric cancer: Substances that may help prevent gastric cancer, and even help cure changes that can evolve into gastric cancer are: Vitamin C, Beta-carotene, (a precursor of vitamin A), Alfa-tocoferol (a kind of Vitamin E), Indol-3-carbinol from cruciferous vegetables, Genistein from soy.

Breast Cancer: The incidence of breast cancer can be lowered by: Folic acid / folate, Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), Selenium, and possibly vitamin D.

Prostate Cancer: These substances may help protect against Prostate cancer: Selenium and Alfa-tocoferol (a kind of Vitamin E). A long study is under way, but the results from the study are not conclusive yet.

Bladder cancer: The chance of getting bladder cancer is possibly lowered by alfa-tocoferol (a kind of Vitamin E).

Lung cancer: Substances that gives protection against Lung Cancer are: Isoflavones from soy. Indol-3-carbinol from broccoli and other crusiferous vegetables, Genistein from soy and possibly Vitamin D.

Results from research projects suggest that supplements added to the diet to prevent cancer should contain many working substances derived from natural sources, and that it is not wise to use heavy doses of just one substance.
