วันพุธที่ 28 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Know Throughly The Causes Behind Your Acne

By: Alien

According to some studies, certain hormones known as androgens trigger the formation of acne as they enlarge the sebaceous glands in the skin. They then cause these oil-producing glands to increase sebum or oil production, which then leads to the formation of plugs and served as more food for the acne-causing bacteria. These hormones are actually present in both men and women, and usually surge at puberty. This fact will explain why teenagers develop armpit and pubic hair, and why boys develop facial hair and deeper voices, other than why acne forms.

Another potent cause of acne is the bacteria that normally thrive on the skin. These bacteria are known as Propionibacterium acnes, and they are responsible for causing the condition to develop. According to certain studies, acne developed as these bacteria emit substances that trigger redness and inflammation. Aside from that, they also make enzymes, which then dissolve the sebum or oil into the irritating substances that make the inflammation worse.

Estrogens, the female hormones, also play a large role in the development of acne particularly in girls. It is important to note first that a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle is a result of the changes in the estrogen levels in her body. This can actually explain why this skin condition in a female way get better and then get worse as she goes through her monthly menstrual cycle. For this cause, however, many doctors suggest treatments with birth control pills that contain the helpful estrogens.

Some people also believe that acne is caused by some genetic factors. As you may know, it can run in some families. So, many have thought that if you have parents or relatives who have bad acne, there is also a great possibility that you’ll get it. With the genetic factors, many have claimed that there’s no way for you to stop acne from coming.

Several other possible causes of acne are there which involve, stress, cosmetics, medication and diet. These are just actually minor factors that can cause acne, but many have found out that they are somehow great aggravators of this skin condition. Stress and diet, in particular, don’t actually cause it to form, but many have believed that these two will potentially aggravate acne and some other skin condition you have.

Knowing that no particular cause of acne is determined, perhaps the best move for you to take then is to find the right treatment that can help reduce and eliminate your skin condition to certain level. Consult your doctor for a recommendation.

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