วันศุกร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Beauty & Health Oils

Beauty & Health Oils


I believe in natural home remedies more than some of the traditional scientific cures when possible. I believe natural products can do wonders for your health and beauty.
Ailments can be treated with natural methods to resolve physical and emotional issues in many cases rather than with medication. These are alternatives that can be used for different kinds of treatments and conditions.
Some of the alternatives to prescriptions can be exercise, dance, yoga, massage, essential oils, etc.
Essential oils have been used in the world for centuries as remedies for many different health issues and they are believed to work well with human nature because they are used in their natural state therefore having a natural condition as the common basis for great results. They are easily absorbed by the skin.
Accordingly some of the studied strong properties are fighting bacteria, fungi, virus, etc. and repelling insects and other species. Described below are some of the benefits of using essential oils:
- Common uses for relaxation are lavender, ylang ylang, rose, geranium, sandalwood.
- For mood changes try sage, fennel, jasmine or lavender.
- To focus: eucalyptus, basil, peppermint.For pain, sorrow: lavender, sage, eucalyptus, juniper.
- Feet corns: one drop each of lemon, oregano, tangerine & myrrh oil.
- Inhale eucalyptus or peppermint oil for stuffy sinuses.
- To help hair growth use 4 to 6 drops of rosemary, ylang ylang, cedarwood and clary sage in shampoo.
- For dandruff use 5 drops of lemon oil, one drop of rosemary or sage, and one drop of lavender oil all mixed in a quart of water.
A lot of information is available on the Internet, companies that sell these oils and books on how to use them so that these alternative methods can be really useful as treatments and beauty products.
Coconut oil has excellent properties and it does not turn into fat in the body unlike other oils like soy or corn. Coconut oil contains an easy fuel that the body burns without converting it into fat called medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). This fuel (MCT) is more easily absorbed and converted to energy quicker, while most other cooking oils and fats contain long-chain triglycerides (LCT) which are usually stored as fat.
For centuries large amounts of coconut have been produced and consumed as food and oil every day in the tropics. The amount of oil consumed in their diet does not increase their weight but on the contrary helps them to be healthy and lean. When they utilize the other widely used common oils they gain weight and other conditions that result from obesity and are challenges in modern everyday life.
Animals fed with coconut oil become lean. This has also been a known fact for people who are in the animal feed business for a long time. When domestic animals are given common vegetable oils, they increase their weight and at the same time produce fatty meat.
Coconut oil is one of the best oils you can directly use on your skin and hair, healing and restoring skin to a younger appearance. It has also been known to give temporary relief to skin problems like rashes, help with people who suffer from yeast infections in the skin, recover slow thyroids by reviving production of extra thyroid hormones, as well as many other skin problems.
Coconut oil softens and smooths your skin, has antioxidant properties that protect the skin from free severe damage and is an excellent massage oil too. It also helps the body absorb other nutrients like Vitamin E more effectively. It is considered one of the best oils for your health.

Beauty & Health Oils

Published At: www.Isnare.com
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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Lime For Health And Beauty

Lime For Health And Beauty


Although it has sour taste, lime (citrus aurantifolia) has many benefits, from as being used for flavouring beverage to supporting beauty. This fruit functions as expectorant, astringen, antiseptic and antioksidant. No wonder it becomes one of the most popular fruits in the world.
According to the historical data available, lime came from South East Asia before spreading to Africa, Europe and US. But whenever its origin, one should admit that it has many amazing benefits.
For instance, it works wonder for a smelly body. Having smelly body can reduce one's confidence, right? That's why some people also use it for washing their hands after eating.
For you who have oily skin, lime can solve the problem by causing the pores to contract. That is why this fruit is often used to reduce the oil on an oily face. By rubbing it on your face, particularly on your nose and forehead, you can overcome any problem that is commonly inherent in an oily face such as acne. Well, by opening your kitchen cabinet and with a few minutes of preparation you can find a safer, less expensive, and easy-to-use natural skin care.
The same goes for the skin of your head; lime can be used to vanish annoying dandruff. If you want to use this fruit as dandruff cure, first squezee it and use the water. Rub the water on your head skin and leave it for about half an hour. Then wash your head with water.
Having cold.and flu? Don't worry! This fruit is a good home remedy for cold and flu. Boil three limes in 500 ml of water. Leave it until the amount of water become half of the original amount. Add honey and drink it warm.
If you get cut, smear its water on it. Although it is painful, the astringen substance will stop the cut from bleeding and cover it.
Last, don't forget that this fruit is very juicy. Although not as rich as in other kinds of citrus fruits, Vitamin C contained in lime is much enough. You can make a fresh drink with it. Add sugar and ice to make it taste better. If you are experiencing throat ache, try to drink it. lime juice can also be drunk by dieting people. Vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin C are very good for maintaining a balance diet.
The benefits of lime are much longer than just these few. But as always, If you are in doubt, you should consult with any knowledgeable health professional before using it. There will be times when you do need modern medicines or supplements.

Lime For Health And Beauty

 Published At: www.Isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=70797&ca=Medicines+and+Remedies

วันพุธที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Detoxify Your Way To Health And Beauty

Detoxify Your Way To Health And Beauty


How many times have your brain felt so sluggish that you can't even think clearly? How many times have you felt so tired that even climbing a single flight of stairs takes a lot from you? Or how about those times when you felt so unpretty that even your best outfit can't lift your mood? You've tried every known trick to stay fit and scoured every shelf in the health and beauty aisle for that wonder product that could revive you but still to no avail. Why not try looking at home and the produce section of your grocery? What am I talking about? I'm talking about detox.
Detoxification is not merely sweating buckets on the gym or starving yourself with a water diet. It is a wholistic approach to health and beauty. It encompasses everything from diet, fitness, and your sense of well-being. Try it for a weekend and start the new week with a renewed and more revived you. Detoxifying your way to health and beauty is possible with a few things which you could conveniently find in your home. With a loofah or brush, scented candles, aromatic oils, herbal tea, and a free, me-time weekend, you're all set to rejuvenate and renew yourself.
Start on a Friday by eating light (think salads and fruits) and drink lots of water the whole day. At night, slowly dry-massage yourself with a loofah or brush with slow and long strokes. Move in one direction: upward and towards your groin. Refresh yourself with tea or water then soak in a bath of warm water and drops of aromatic bath oil. Light some scented candles while gradually adding cool water within a half hour until your bath becomes slightly cold. This is the beginning of your new health and beauty routine. This process is done for the stimulation of the blood vessels. Dry yourself and dress warmly for bed.
Begin the next day by drinking hot lemon water. Go for a walk while breathing deeply. Give yourself a steam bath or go swimming. You could also ask your partner or therapist for a massage. Again, end your health and beauty detox regimen with a dry-massage brush and bath. Spend your Sunday, doing the whole process but add another activity. Make a list of people or things, such as your work, that are toxic to you (read: bad vibes). Assess how you should deal with them to lessen their toxic effect. After this, pamper yourself or do meditation exercises.
Be reminded though that you may experience excessive sweating, slight headaches, and skin rashes. These are signs that your body is releasing toxins and that they are temporary. Detoxifying is effective, safe, and inexpensive enough to be part of your weekly health and beauty routine. Just remember to avoid this during your period, pregnancy, and sickness. Lastly, talk to your doctor if you encounter any problem while detoxifying.

Detoxify Your Way To Health And Beauty

 Published At: www.Isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=54540&ca=Womens+Interest

วันอังคารที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Health Is Internal Beauty

Health Is Internal Beauty


Excerpted from the book "Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You" by Tonya Zavasta. The book is available at: http://www.beautifulonraw.com
Jean Kerr, American author and playwright wrote: “I’m tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That’s deep enough. What do you want an adorable pancreas?”—
Jean Kerr was closer to the truth than she might have realized. Every outside organ of the human body is eligible to be called beautiful, but because internal organs are ordinarily seen only by surgeons, they get excluded from the beauty contest. If our internal organs were observed, we would describe them in terms of attractiveness, and normal color and shape would be considered beautiful. You need only compare pictures of normal healthy internal organs with pictures of their infected and diseased counterparts in the medical books to convince yourself that health and beauty are synonymous.
A healthy colon looks like evenly braided muscles. On the other hand, unhealthy colons are deformed: twisted and looped in some parts, ballooned and engorged in others, as revealed by barium X-rays. Visit a colon therapist, if only to observe the pictures of unhealthy colons and see for yourself how ugly one can be on the inside.
The blood of a healthy person is also beautiful. The red blood cells are uniformly round. The blood of a body full of toxins is contaminated with pathological bacteria, abnormal proteins, and parasites. When red blood corpuscles clump together, the condition is called Rouleau or “sticky” blood. Rouleau, this clumpy, unattractive blood, appears 5 to 20 years before symptoms of illness present themselves. It is an early messenger of hundreds of degenerative diseases. Conglomerates of red blood cells cannot access the fine capillaries of the body. Rouleau is particularly damaging to the organs of the head, in particular the eyes, ears, and scalp. A diet high in meat and dairy products increases the stickiness of your platelets. Blood that becomes sticky is a sure precursor of blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks.
The arterial pipelines in a healthy circulatory system are clean and clear from obstructions. In healthy arteries, the inner lining, called the intima, is smooth, supple, and without cracks. A cross-section of a normal coronary artery shows no arterial thickening or blood-blocking plaque deposits.
An unhealthy circulatory system paints an entirely different picture. The middle muscular layer of the artery can no longer fully recoil after a pulse wave has expanded the vessel. Elasticity of the artery walls is reduced, and cracks and hollows appear. They catch calcium, cholesterol deposits, fat accumulations, and clusters of platelets. Cholesterol deposits roughen the inner surfaces and damage the walls of the arteries. At first, plaque build-up does not cause discomfort--it is just ugly. But later, thick, clogged bloodstream results in coronary arteries becoming occluded with fatty buildup, which effects circulation and causes deterioration of the connective tissues. Deterioration and abnormal hardening of the arteries result in a process called arteriosclerosis and may cause heart disease, stroke, and hypertension.
The body often displays real ingenuity faced with substances it cannot metabolize or eliminate. It breaks them down and distributes them to remote areas of the body away from vital organs to minimize harm. The body takes the poisons out-of-the-way but not necessarily out of sight. The toxic wastes are pushed towards the peripheral organs, which happen to be the skin and every other organ that we can see on the outside.
External deformities are direct manifestations of internal pathologies. Ugly ropes of varicose veins, puffy faces, and cellulite are telling tales about your inside condition. Every pimple, psoriasis, or pigment change on your skin is in fact a reflection of some organ struggling to do its job. Every bulge, boil, or swelling is a sign that the body is pushing out some toxins in its effort to protect itself.
The term “natural beauty” has been misused and abused beyond restoration. Because there is no natural beauty without 100% natural food, the beauty that will emerge on the raw food diet I call Rawsome Beauty. Our external beauty is at its best when our internal organs are in the best possible shape, form, and color. Beautiful is not something extra the body needs: to be beautiful both inside and out is the natural state of one’s body.
The vitality of internal organs, working properly, transcends your skin and brings a radiance to your face. This is when beauty does penetrate the skin. So when we admire sparkling eyes, fabulous skin, and lustrous hair, in a way we are admiring the teamwork of a healthy liver, colon, kidneys, etc. How profound the direct meaning of the phrase "beauty comes from within" really is.
Health and beauty are considered to be chronological losses. In my books I will convince you they don’t have to be. It is biologically possible to look beautiful at any age. I intend to prove that beauty is not an accident; beauty is your birthright, it can be yours through the right daily choices, food you put in your mouth being the most important one. You can dramatically improve your appearance and do it 100 percent on your own without expensive products, plastic surgery or costly cosmetics.

Health Is Internal Beauty

 Published At: www.Isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=4109&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Health And Beauty Tip: Why Fat-Free Is A Beauty No-No

Health And Beauty Tip: Why Fat-Free Is A Beauty No-No


Fat free has almost become a cornerstone in many households. It is certainly something of a fixture on modern restaurant menus. And industries have catered to the fat free preoccupation by supplying foods labeled fat free and low fat, as well as herbal and medical products that block fat metabolism. But the bottom line on the beauty and health fronts, is that if you want beautiful skin with fewer wrinkles, or to speed up your metabolism, you need to eat the right kind of fats.
The benefits to your skin of eating the right fats daily are many. Beneficial fats stimulate the production of collagen, improves the blood flow in the layer below the skin that supplies nutrients for the creation of new, healthy skin cells. Poor quality blood flow here means under performing new skin cells. Fats keep the skin moist, from the inside. Fats are crucial for the absorption of the fat soluble vitamin - A, D, E, and K. And the beneficial phytonutrients like carotene, lycopene and lutein need fat to be absorbed also.
For example, eating salad with a dressing containing fats increases the absorption of these phytonutrients. A study, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (and referenced in Gorgeous Skin by E Angyal) found that those who ate a salad with a low fat dressing had very little alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and lycopene in blood tests taken afterwards. Those who had a full fat dressing with the salad had noticeably higher levels of these carotenes and lycopene metabolites in their blood.
Fats also help produce and regulate hormones, reduce inflammation (the right fats anyway), and prevent eczema, psoriasis, and hair loss.
According to Erica Angyal, you need about 2tbsp, or 20 grams of fats per day so the skin can lubricate itself, and so enough vitamin A can be absorbed. Vitamin A prevents premature aging.
Erica Angyal recommends olive oil, flaxseed oil, walnut oil, pumpkin seed oil, coconut oil, mustard seed oil, avocado oil, soy oil, macadamia oil, and canola oil. She suggests using extra virgin, virgin, cold pressed oils where they are available, as these are always much better quality, and the way they are processed means unhealthy chemical changes to the oils are avoided. Of the oils here, the mono unsaturated oils are olive oil, avocado oil, macadamia oil, as well as the oil from cold water fish, like swordfish, mackerel and salmon. Mono unsaturated oils can reduce wrinkles. The polyunsaturated oils are flaxseed, walnut, pumpkin seed, and canola oil. For the reasons outlined below, I would not personally use these to gain the bulk of needed daily fats. Coconut oil is a saturated fat, but extremely good for you.
Coconut Oil
I love this stuff. Not only does it have a beautiful aroma when it is good quality, cold pressed coconut oil, but it has amazing health benefits that go beyond great looking skin. Aging, including aging of the brain and skin, is associated with a process called 'peroxidation'. This simply means that free radicals remove an oxygen electron from the fats (lipids) in our cellular membranes. Ultraviolet light, from the sun, causes peroxidation in unsaturated fats, both in the laboratory and in your skin. This increases the rate at which wrinkles form.
And unsaturated fats, like regular vegetable oils, decrease the metabolic rate. Unsaturated fats suppress the response of the body's tissues to thyroid hormone. Unsaturated fats inhibit the protein digestive enzyme that forms thyroid hormone, as well as damaging the mitochondria in cells, which relates to cellular energy production. Coconut oil counteracts these unwelcome effects of unsaturated fats.
Coconut oil is incredibly versatile. Because it is so stable, it can be used in cooking without becoming hydrogenated. And it doesn't change the flavor of the food, despite its strong aroma. Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids. These are not stored in the cells like other fats but go directly to the liver which converts them into energy. The shorter chain length allows them to bypass the metabolic pathway that other longer chain fats need to use. Coconut oil is the only saturated fat that is good for the body.
Interestingly, Dr Mercola's website quotes an article by Dr Ray Peat in which he mentions that when so called essential fatty acids were used in patients fed intravenously, their immune systems were suppressed. Consequently, coconut oil is used instead. The only exceptions are in cases where immunosuppression is needed, such as in organ transplant patients. The essential fatty acids are the omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Examples are flaxseed oil, the oils of cold water fish like salmon, evening primrose oil, and sunflower oil.
1. http://www.mercola.com/2001/mar/24/coconut_oil.htm
2. Erica Angyal, Gorgeous Skin In 30 Days (Lothian Books, 2005)

Health And Beauty Tip: Why Fat-Free Is A Beauty No-No

 Published At: www.Isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=25821&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

วันเสาร์ที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Health And Beauty Tips From A Beverly Hills Beauty Expert

Health And Beauty Tips From A Beverly Hills Beauty Expert


Honey, trust me on this…
QUESTION: I just hate my skin in the winter; it’s so dull and pasty. When I try to liven it up with make-up I end up looking like a drag queen, so what’s the solution?
ANSWER: Honestly, the solution is NOT what you do to the TOP of your skin – which is all we can see. That dull, pasty surface tells the sad story of all the holiday fun, food, and fat we indulged in. Also, January is “get back to work” time with short, dark days creating a shut-in environment for us. If your skin is looking sluggish it’s because your circulation and organs are sluggish. Bottom line reality: Rev everything up inside with aerobic exercise of any kind, and it will jettison rich blood and oxygen to your muscles, through your skin, and out your pores. I don’t need to tell you what kind of aerobics to do because you know what they are: Just move your body and move it fast! What you want is that pink, moist glow…right? Trust me, working up a good, honest “sweat like a horse” is the one and only path to a peaches and cream complexion. While you’re at it, here are the token side effects: You will #1: detoxify the sins of December (well, dietary ones anyway); #2: energize your brain cells and elevate your mood with happy endorphins so you can actually KEEP a FEW New Year’s resolutions; #3: get a light year’s head start on (ugh!) swimsuit season by throwing in squats and lunges; a few dozen will, literally, kick your butt and make you pant for dear life. If your lower body doesn’t need any fine tuning (you bitch), just sit in a sauna or steam and let the sweat flow…same result. One caveat to skin purging, though, is: If you don’t exfoliate diligently (especially your face), you’re begging for clogged pores and blemishes. Don’t expect luminous skin if you don’t sweep away dead skin cells so the poison can escape. But you should already know, from this girl, that exfoliation is a year-round requirement anyway. Be prepared: if you work up a heart-pumping, red-face sweat every day and wear an endorphin smile, your friends might start begging to know what’s going on in the bedroom. You don’t HAVE TO tell them you got your “afterglow” at Sportsclub L.A.!
QUESTION: The number of facial moisturizers and anti-aging products on the market makes my head spin, and they all make the same outrageous claims. How’s a girl supposed to choose one?
ANSWER: You’re so right about all the products and claims. There’s, literally, a new product introduced every day with every new product’s ingredient list more exotic and outlandish than the one before. (I remember when placenta cream was considered really “out there.”) Then along comes caviar cream and even copper cream. Believe it or not, scientists are toiling away right now in their labs trying to reproduce vernix (the white, waxy coating on a baby while it’s in the womb) which will, allegedly, be the next miracle moisturizer! Anyway, please trust me on this: Feed your skin cells like your body cells. By that I mean anti-oxidants (vitamins C, E, A), proteins from milk, and superfoods like spirulina and royal jelly. Look for them all in a base emollient of evening primose oil or shea butter, and you’ve got the true formula for a peachy, perfect complexion! Whatever you do, though, avoid anything with perfume or colorings. Come on, pink may be prettier, and we all like a good fragrance, but would you aim an atomizer of Chanel No. 5 at your face? Of course not, and massaging it in is even worse. Why do you think women suffer so many mysterious irritations and breakouts after spending $150 for a small jar of pastel perfumed “24 hour, Turn Back the Clock Treatment”? Just read those labels and shop for purity; but, whatever you do moisturize with, don’t forget Sandy’s #1 rule: exfoliate every day, or leave the glow down below!

Health And Beauty Tips From A Beverly Hills Beauty Expert


วันศุกร์ที่ 12 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

More Health And Beauty Tips From A Beverly Hills Beauty Expert

More Health And Beauty Tips From A Beverly Hills Beauty Expert


Honey, trust me on this...”
QUESTION: I just came off a spring wardrobe shopping binge, but all my new summer pastels look so bland against my leftover winter white skin. It’s too early in the year to be really tan, so what’s a girl to do until summer?
ANSWER: You’re so right! Lime green tank top on pasty arms? Khaki mini skirt over milky legs? Does this visual make you nauseous? You can’t enjoy your new financial investment like this, and it’s soooo very poseur to show up at work Monday morning with a million dollar St. Tropez (spray) tan. Thanks to the chemical gods, there are several new lotion products that gradually, day by day, build your color to a healthy sun blessed tan. Now, don’t even think about the old “self-tanning” orangey brown stuff we all had one bad experience with and then NEVER again. These are body lotions (you gotta moisturize anyway!) that contain just enough tint to last through tomorrow’s shower and deepen with another application until tomorrow’s shower, etc. But before I name names, kick off the daily lotion commitment with a mini spa treatment, right at home, to increase product’s effectiveness and really get into the tanning spirit. Before the first lotion application, fill your tub with water and add a whole gallon of whole milk! Whoa, I’m not going Cleopatra on you…milk’s lactic acid is the best, mildest exfoliant in the world, and the protein and fat does wonders for dry skin While you’re soaking, go ahead and shave your legs (if you’re still a Neanderthal like I and don’t wax). Then use a Buf-Puf, or some such abrasive tool, and polish ever other inch of skin you can reach. After you towel dry, apply rich amounts of either Neutrogena Build-a-Tan lotion or Clarins Liquid Bronze Self Tanning Milk (between you and me, Neutrogena’s cheaper and smells better, but you do whatever you want). The next day or night, just shower or bathe as usual and apply the lotion; don’t do the milk bath. If you’re dressing to go out, really gild the lily and deepen your tan-in- process with a bronze body powder HEAD TO TOE (some are blinged with a little shine). Make-up artists and runway models horde Scott Barnes Body Bling Lotion and Michael Kors Leg Shine bronzing powders because they know these products make cellulite fade from view. Not that OUR readers care.
QUESTION: I’ve always taken good care of my complexion, so I can’t believe that at 28 I’m already getting crow’s feet! What is up with that?
ANSWER: In real estate, it’s all about location, location, location. With wrinkles, it’s moisture, moisture, moisture. When I was cruising the cosmetic counters at Barney’s recently, I couldn’t believe my eyes (no pun intended). All the cosmetic companies are STILL convincing women that if they will only apply this one super-duper, amazing (as in “amazingly” expensive) under eye cream only ONCE or TWICE a day, adios crow’s feet. Buy any moisturizer you want, but you better keep it near you in your purse, at the office, in the kitchen, at arm’s reach, because every few hours, reapply it under your eyes (NO, not into the eyeliner, please). Be religious with it, and within a couple of days, you’ll be giving thanks you did. That area is drier than the Santa Ana’s, and unless you’re either in a coma or over-botox’d, you can’t help squinting, laughing, or frowning. Come on, it takes less time to slap on a sip of moisture under your eyes than it does to line and gloss your lips – and look how often we do that!
QUESTION:All I hear is drink plenty of water, but how much, really, and when does anyone have the time for all that water?
ANSWER:First of all, you’re talking to a woman who knows the location of every employee bathroom in every business establishment in west L.A. - and I’m talking places where they speak languages from dead civilizations. Don’t EVER, NEVER EVER, leave the house without a large bottle of water - fill up an empty one if you have to - drink it all day long. No, this isn’t a new idea in a society where a bottle of Evian on a person is considered as essential as designer sunglasses. Here’s the catch: it’s not the “how much?”, it’s the “when?”. You absolutely must consume your water between meals (30 minutes before and one hour after). Drinking more than a half glass of any liquid (wellll, maybe except martinis) with meals dilutes the stomach’s digestive enzymes. That healthy spinach and sprout salad at lunch leaves from your stomach nothing but a liquid mess, and you wonder later where the gas and bloating came from along with hunger pains! Sip at mealtime and guzzle in between, and I’ll see you in the loo.
QUESTION:I’ve finally stopped smoking and everything else that’s considered bad for you, but I can’t kick my chocolate craving. Does it really cause acne and other curses?
ANSWER:I am so happy to report on something that most people (especially women) keep under “wrappers,” because you are now released from chocolate guilt bondage. Believe it or not, university scientists spend thousands of hours and even more dollars testing the effects of naturally yummy things like chocolate on humans. According to the “Journal of the American Medical Association,” the results are that DARK chocolate lowers high blood pressure and contains potent amounts of anti-oxidants. Remember, they’re the good guys that destroy free radicals that cause heart disease, age spots, wrinkles, and everything we hire doctors to get rid of. There’s one caveat to this chocolate deal: You must eat ONLY DARK chocolate, not milk or white chocolate. In fact, to get all the benefits from chocolate (I know, it sounds like an oxymoron), you can’t even wash it down with milk. Don’t you dare fret about getting fat over a few truffles, either, because dark chocolate has less sugar and calories than the lighter versions. And, no, it doesn’t cause acne like your mom told you. If you still need convincing to run to Godiva, it’s always been a pure fact that chocolate stimulates brain neurotransmitters responsible for that warm, fuzzy, “I’m madly in love” feeling. Think of it: did you ever know a girl with a broken heart who didn’t go on a chocoholic binge? It’s just nature’s way of replacing one warm glow with another.

More Health And Beauty Tips From A Beverly Hills Beauty Expert

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Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=114330&ca=Womens+Interest