วันจันทร์ที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

What Causes Zits ?

By: oneclickdoctor

What causes zits is the question asked by many young people who suffer from zits and not just adolescents - many adults suffer the problem. Normally zits are caused by the bacteria Propionibacterium. This gets trapped in clogged skin pores (or hair follicles) more often on the face but can also be on other parts of the body. The bacteria produces enzymes which it uses to break down the sebum (the oil produced by the body's sebaceous glands) and in this process it blocks / clogs up the skin pore. The enzymes show as inflammation/redness in the affected area and are generally know by young people as zits.

The inflammation shows up as zits and is known as superficial acne. If the inflammation is deeper within the skin and pores resulting in cysts (large red lumps) it is known as cystic acne.

So typical zits are the result of an imbalance in the glandular production of the sebaceous gland that secretes directly onto the skin.

There are many forms of zits which explain why it is so difficult to treat acne. Essentially, zits are a result of blocked skin pores. Zits are not caused by stress, as you may have thought, but are more likely to be attributed to poor diet and lack of exercise and fresh air.

The excess oil / sebum is actually a by-product of testosterone production in the body of adolescent boys going through puberty; in women, the hormonal changes occurring before the menstrual cycle may also cause sporadic outbreaks of zits.

Another cause of zits has been traced to diets and the lack of essential fatty acids. The body needs a specific quantity of essential fatty acids to remain in balance and the everyday Western diet does not provide a sufficient amount for most young people, whereas trans-fats and other nonessential fats are found in large quantities and it is this imbalance in the fat ratio that tips the scale in favor of excess production of sebum, leading to outbreaks of zits.

Certain chemicals & drugs may also be factors in the appearance of zits. Any drug that has added hormones or that changes the hormonal balance of the body is a possible cause.

Overall good health is essential to be zit free and this includes a healthy diet, gentle but effective skin care and decreased exposure to chemicals and drugs which may affect the natural hormone levels of the body.

On the other hand, adult acne may be caused by hormonal imbalances, pollution, medications or stress to name just a few. Studies have shown a direct correlation between hormonal imbalances and outbreaks of zits in women ranging in age from 30 to 40 years.

Other forms of acne zits include:

-Cosmetic Acne - caused by the active ingredients in the cosmetic being used.
-Acne Conglobata - usually due to hereditary factors.
-Acne Detergens - the use of soaps and cleaners that cause an irritating effect to the skin.
-Acne Excoriee - brought about by the constant picking of the zits on the face and body.
-Acne Mallorca - caused by exposure to sunlight.
-Acne Mechanica - caused by materials & fabrics
-Acne Neonatorum affects infants and is transferred by way of hormones from mother to child
-Acne Pomade - caused by the use of oils found in hair care products.
-Acne Fulminans, Acne Keloidalis and Acne Medicametosa are other forms of acne

Zits can generally be prevented / reduced by simple measures: ensure you eat a healthy diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, drink lots of water and/or fruit juices. Ensure your face is cleansed at least twice a day, removing the excess oil and dead skin cells to ensure the skin pores do not become blocked and hence infected. Avoid touching your face as you hands harbor bacteria and transferring it to your face will simply increase the chances for infection.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Can Aloe Vera Clear Acne?

By: Anand R

The aloe plant is very much a household name and it has been used for medicinal purposes since practically the beginning of time before modern medicine became more readily available. In the olden days people used Aloe Vera for medicinal purposes such as treating gun shot wounds or knife wounds and also for burns, because of its medicinal qualities which enable it to regenerate skin and rebuild scarred damaged skin areas. Aloe also works as an anti-inflammatory agent as well as boosting the immune system thus aiding in the treatment of acne.

You can also treat acne by either using soaps with aloe vera based properties or aloe vera gel or cream. You should wash your face with these soaps at least twice a day in the morning and before you go to bed at night. After washing your face you should not rub but pat it dry with a wash cloth which should only be used for your face, do not use a towel that you use to bathe with as this is not considered a sanitary exercise. After washing your face you should use a topical aloe vera gel or cream product which you can apply to any inflamed or infected areas of the skin.

Although acne cannot be cured by aloe vera based products, symptoms such as flaky skin, redness and swelling will reduce with constant use. There is also an aloe vera liquid which can be applied to the face which is effective in removing excess oils. After applying the aloe vera liquid to your face, you should then rinse it off with an aloe vera based soap. When this type of cleaning is applied to the face you would have received all the benefits of the medicinal components of the aloe vera treatment, leaving your skin looking fresh and clean and should be free from any more breakouts.

There are a variety of aloe vera products that are available and can be easily obtained for the use of different types of skin disorders. These products are safe to use and can be purchased without a prescription. Aloe Vera products act as a moisturizer to revitalize and restore the lost moisture on your face by hydrating the skin. Aloe vera products can be used on all types of skin, because it provides a natural glow to the face giving it a healthy sheen. Other aloe vera products that can be applied to the face include sunscreens, facial powder, creams, lotions, gels, exfoliating cleansers and facial masks.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 21 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Got Back Acne? Get The Simple Truth

By: Nash Burns

Both adult and teens alike suffers from acne and the information available on the internet allows valuable information to be available within seconds Facial acne is often embarrassing to people because of its visibility. However body acne is less well known. Acne, for your information can develop on any part of your body.

Chest with acne problems are sometime even more difficult to cure than the facial acne. Apart from the facial area, acne can also be found in your back or chest. The back is also in constant contact with clothing and other materials that might irritate the skin, which can further aggravate the condition.

Excess oil in your skin will cause lesion and through time may cause pimple to breakout. Always remember that preventing acne is a lot easier than curing it. To cure acne on the back is often more difficult than to actually prevent it from happening in the first place.

To prevent back acne from occurring, you need to have some sort of skin treatment and prevention plans. The type of skin regiment that you can use may be lotion, moisturizer or cleanser. One other item is Glycolic acid of which you can get over the counter.

It would be far more easier for you to find out what is causing the back acne and stop acne from occurring. Rough backpacks worn on your bags could be one of the reasons. Try using a hand carry bag for a change and see if the condition on your acne on the back improves over time. The back acne can either stop, slows down or have no effect at all. Observe your condition and decide what’s best for you. Acne may appear and you will finally be certain what is causing your acne.

Be sure to observe you acne condition with regards to the type of clothing material you use: it may have effect on it. Not only the type of material, but the way you wear it might have an effect, like wearing tight fitting clothes. For those that get sweaty easily, your acne condition may be worsen due to build up of oil formation.

Acne condition will get worse if you are wearing rough material on your back as you risk irritating the acne and making it worse. Like the facial acne, the back acne comes in three forms, mild, moderate and severe. The types of treatment are affected by the severity of the acne. Find out and start treatment immediately. Acne treatments may vary based on the type of skin.

Certain product may have different reaction based on the skin type. Sometime over the counter products just don’t work and the best course of action is to seek professional medical opinion from your doctor and get the treatment accordingly.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 20 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Tips on How to Get Rid of Blackheads and Whiteheads

By: Charley Huang

Our face isn’t all white and radiant as always but sometimes it annoys us to see something black on our face. Sometimes we also can see something which is in white color instate of black. So what are these two things that are on our face? One thing I can tell you that it is called blackhead and whitehead.

Blackhead is named black due to its appearance on your face which is black but it is not dirt stuck to our face. It composes of melanin, skin particle and excess skin debris that is accumulated which also can be called dark pigments; blackhead is also one of the types of acne. Generally, blackhead is formed due to excess sebum produced by glands that are trapped in the pores of out skin. A plug is formed when sebum oxidize and hardens close to the upper layer of the skin which clogs the pores.

Whitehead is formed when the hair follicle does not open to air, so it’s clogged with sebum and dead skin cells. Due to its lack exposure to air, the air does not oxidize the melanin thus leaving it white in color. Whitehead plugs are embedded deeper than blackhead which makes it hard to be removed.

An infection on the plug starts when the white blood cells overproduce to battle against bacteria that are destroying our skin. Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes bacteria can cause inflammation of acne formed then it becomes reddish in color.

Removing acne, blackhead or whitehead needs time, patient and the right medium. Some people speculate that it might be the cause by food intake and some are not. Therefore, we don’t need to go on a diet to remove it but just avoid any food that can cause inflammation of acne. Blackhead doesn’t mean our face is dirty and constantly washing it. The more hard you scrub and more frequent you wash, it will definitely do more damage to the face. Thus, the advice is to wash twice a day with facial scrub or suitable soap to reduce the amount of oil contained on the skin.

Also, antibacterial products that contain benzoyl peroxide and tretinoin can be used to treat blackhead and whitehead. Benzoyl peroxide usually works with mild cases of acne cases to none where it acts to reduce clogging by treating hair follicle. Trentinion acts the opposite way from benzoyl peroxide where it forces whitehead to open up and easily plugged out.

In conclusion, removing blackheads and whitehead manually is not a wise choice to do and it’s better to rely on facial wash or cream to remove it.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Acne Home Remedies – True Blue Acne Killers!

By: Davion W

Acne home remedies are true blue killers of acne. The concept of acne home remedies is based on adopting a curative approach towards treating acne. This means that acne home remedies are intended to cure acne rather than just treating the symptoms itself like what many of the over-the-counter or prescription medications do. Home remedies for acne are prepared using natural remedies and solutions so that the healing takes place from within our body system to effect complete healing. Discover more about acne causes and some simple acne home remedies you can start using today to help fight acne.

Acne is an inflammatory skin condition where sebaceous glands are most active and numerous. Acne can develop on the face, neck, back, arms and chest and affects 8 out of 10 teenagers to some degree. There are many reasons that have been linked to the occurrences of acne outbreaks. Common reasons include:

1. Puberty

Androgenic hormones eg testerones increase sebaceous gland activity, ie producing more sebum or oil resulting in blocked pores.

2. Diet

Excessive consumption of saturated fat, dairy products, protein, fried foods, carbonated drinks and lack of green vegetables in our diet can increase the risk of acne.

3. Nutritional Deficiencies

Nutritional deficiencies such as a lack in zinc and essential vitamins put one at higher risk of suffering from acne.

4. Poor Hygiene

Poor hygiene and unclean treatment of our skin can also lead to acne problems.

Acne home remedies seek to deal with some of the common causes of acne such as diet and nutritional deficiencies. The following are a few easy acne home remedies:

1. Non-Citrus All Fruit Acne Diet

By observing a non-citrus all-fruit diet for at least a week, it can cleanse our body of harmful toxins that could encourage the development of acne. Remember to consume only non-citrus fruits such as apricot, avocado, banana, cherry, damson, date, fig, grape, guava, kiwi fruit, mango, melon, nectarine, olive, papaya, passion fruit, peach, pear, pineapple, plum, pomegranate, quince, strawberry, watermelon and coconut.

2. Non-Saturated Fat Acne Diet

Remove saturated fats from your diet. Saturated fats are normally found in foods from animals such as cream, ice cream, whole milk, whole milk cheese, butter, lard and meats, and plant oils such as palm, coconut oils and cocoa butter. Diary products are one huge source of saturated fats and should be avoided at all costs. Try to include salads, cooked vegetables, seaweed, seeds and nuts, whole grains, beans and tofu in your meals.

3. Therapeutic Agents

Daily intake of therapeutic agents such as vitamins and zinc are effective against acne. Vitamin A and zinc help to regulate the sebaceous gland’s production of sebum, the root cause of acne. Other vitamins may have antibiotic properties to cure acne.

Read my blog to find more handy acne home remedies and discover the secret of special natural remedies sufferers are using to treat their acne problems.

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วันพุธที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

How to Get Rid of Back Acne or Back Pimples?

By: Charley Huang

As we know, there are many types of acne and one of them that are less visible is back acne. Its more likely to feel it than to see it. This kind of acne is not common among acne patients but it is quite the same as acne on our face. Thousands of oil glands are busy over producing oils to ensure your skin is smooth. Tight fitting clothes and fabric that do not allow the skin to breath is the two main reason of back acne popping out. Sometimes, wearing backpack can be one of the causes of back acne but it’s not serious as the reason mentioned above.

The skin of our body contains oil glands which also are evenly spread out throughout our body. Thus, the oil that are overproduced by the oil glands will get trapped. When it is trapped, it gets clogged which combined with dead skin cells and a little help from bacteria, acne is formed. It will soon inflame the tissue around infected area in which it is the same as common acne. Even though it is the same as acne on the face, the treatment methods are not the same.

There are treatments for back acne but it is not quite as easy as it looks. Our skin at the back is much thicker than the skin that covers other parts of the body. Due to these differences, we might need different treatment than other parts of the body.

One of the best advice is try to keep your back clean and the best way is to take bath or shower more often especially after a workout. Try to use body shower gels or soaps that contains salicylic or glycolic acid. Exfoliating your back skin can also be done when taking shower to reduce the dead skin cell which is one of the ingredient for acne outbreak.

After your shower, apply some topical products that contain benzoyl peroxide to the areas on the back which has acne outbreak. Make sure your back is dry before the application. Its best to rub the topical medication on the skin to ensure it is absorbed into the skin. It is good to make sure your hand is washed up clean before applying the medication as we don’t want any infection. Try not to apply all over your back as it is useless to do that and ask for help to apply if needed. Over application can cause dryness in the skin.

For mild cases of back acne, you might want to try natural solutions like, tea tree oil, homeopathic treatments, Chinese herbs and other cleansing herbs like milk thistle.

Even though back acne or back pimples is not common but we should be aware and treat it before it gets worse. If it gets worse, do consult a dermatologist as it might turn out as not a normal kind of back acne.

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วันอังคารที่ 17 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Myths About Acne

By: Charley Huang

Acne is one of the common conditions that teenagers and even adults face nowadays. Do we blame pollution, food and even environment as the cause of acne? Modern science has improved dramatically to help us battle acne and might also discover truth of these myths.

Hygiene is considered as one of the most important aspects to ensure good health. One of the myths says ‘Poor hygiene causes acne’ which has been accepted widely in the society. However, it is not the main reason for the outbreak of acne which is due to ‘sebum’ and dead cells that are hidden under the skin and it is hard to cleanse. To minimize the outbreak, a gentle wash can be done easily on a daily basis.

What kind of food that will cause acne? As we believe, chocolate, junk food and greasy food can cause acne. How true is this? Some scientific research had been done to verify this myth in which the data from the experiment is not solid enough to prove this myth is true. However, iodine can cause acne outbreak and it is mostly found in seafood that we love to eat. Good health is the basic to reduce acne outbreak; thus, lessen the intake of the food mentioned above to ensure an acne free face.

Generally, medicine nowadays can either help or worsen the problem of acne. Many people think that applying more topical medication can cause acne to become worse. This myth is not true and people should not believe it but continue the medication prescribed. In some cases, acne ointments will cause inflammation of the skin. Professional consultation is needed in order to quantify the amount of medication to be taken.

We often hear that acne is common among teenagers but how about people in their 30’s? Acne can strike anyone at any age. But, acne usually clears up when a person reaches early stage of their 20’s. However, some may also have acne outbreak in their 30’s which is not common.

As we know, acne can be seen clearly through someone’s physical appearance but does the damage stops there? Patients of acne will tell you otherwise, acne can cause emotional stress which can last for a long time. It can also cause emotional outbreak such as low self esteem, self centered, seclusion from community and depression.

Some of the myths are carried down from generation to generation and some are created just for the sake of comfort and beliefs. Therefore, it is always a good idea to seek professional consultation for an effective acne treatment instead of believing the myths that could have make things even worse.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

What Everybody Ought To Know about How To Fight Acne

By: Patricia Wagner

If you suffer from acne, you may be wondering what type of acne medicine is best for you. Since there are a number of choices for you to try, you need to find out what they are so you can check them out.

For example, why not investigate over-the-counter products at your local drugstore? There are a lot of choices, so it's hard to know which one you should choose because one size doesn't fit all. People respond differently to the various acne over-the-counter remedies available.

When you search for the right acne medicine for you, be sure to read the instructions on the containers. You need to be aware that there are possible side effects to taking each of the different brands. If you should experience side effects to the particular acne medicine that you have chosen, you'll want to be aware of what those side effects are. That way, if you experience side effects, you can change to another brand or you can decide if it's worth it to suffer the side effects.

If your acne is mild, you might want to try using an acne medicine that contains salicylic acid. Yet another type of over-the-counter acne treatment contains resorcinol. It helps reduce the number of blackheads and whiteheads on the skin and it's effective in treating mild cases of acne.

You also might want to select an acne medication containing sulfur. That's because sulfur has been used for many years effectively for fighting pimples.

Before you purchase any acne medication, be sure to do your part in keeping pimples away by keeping your skin really clean. Skin cleansers with benzyl peroxide in them can be effective.

Various herbal medications are available to help treat acne. However, these herbal medications have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, so keep that in mind. They may be effective for some acne sufferers though.

There are a number of different choices of acne medications that aren't mentioned in this article, but the information presented here will help you get started.

You don't have to be on your own with your war against pimples. One of the best health decisions you can make is to go to a doctor with your acne problem. Doctors use special sterile instruments to work on your pimples to avoid spreading infection and to prevent scarring.

Your doctor will often hand out samples of acne medications that you can try. This is helpful because you can see without making a major investment which type of medication works best for you. For every acne medication you try, you have to give it enough time to see if it works before switching to another one. These samples may save you money in the long run.

There are medicines that doctors can prescribe for you that you can't get over the counter. For example, antibiotics cannot be purchased over-the-counter, but you might really need antibiotics for your acne condition. Your doctor can help you to use antibiotics in a responsible way by giving you directions so you don't develop antibiotic resistance.

Doctors can also prescribe both Accutane and Sotret. These are very powerful acne medications, but do not use either one of these medications unless you're positive that you will not be getting pregnant while you are using them. They both cause birth defects!

Your doctor might want you to try topical retinoic acid. It's one of the biggest breakthroughs in acne treatment of all time! A form of vitamin A, it now comes in a slow-release form to help prevent irritation of the skin. Retinoic acid works by unplugging pores and reducing the amount of whiteheads and blackheads on your skin.

If you can't seem to win your own personal war with pimples, seek medical care. Your appearance is worth it.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Acne Home Remedies Proven To Remove Nasty Pimples

By: Davion W

Acne home remedies are arguably the best ways to get rid of pimples and blackheads and cure our acne condition. Many people have tried using acne medications and creams that can be bought over the counter or prescribed by the local pharmacy or clinic, but often find themselves stuck in a repeat scenario of acne recurrence after a short while. This should not be a surprise to us since most over-the-counter acne creams or medications are not curative like acne home remedies, but palliative in nature meaning they focus on treating the symptoms more than the skin condition.

Here are some acne home remedies that have been tested over time and proven to work well against persistent acne problems. Diet and topical medication play key roles in curing acne.

1. Go on a full fruit fast for at least a week and consume only fresh fruits like grapefruit, pineapples, pears, apples, mango, apricot, olive, papaya, etc. Stick to non-citrus fruits. You can choose to incorporate this one week fruit fast into your diet and repeat this monthly. It would cleanse your body system and improve your overall health on top of your acne problems.

2. Green vegetables are exceptionally helpful. Vegetables such as celery, seaweeds, broccoli and green pepper are good at detoxifying our bodies, and can improve our skin condition dramatically. Eat at least 5 servings of vegetables daily. Watercress helps to prevent mineral deficiencies in our body and skin and is a rich source of vitamins.

3. Avoid dairy products such as ice cream, margarine, milk and cheese because of its fat content. The same goes for junk food and carbonated drinks.

4. If you have to eat meat, cold water ocean fish such as salmon, cod or sardines, and poultry can be consumed. But the preparation method is important. They must not be fried.

5. Wash the affected acne spots with warm water twice and mild calendula or castile soup. Alternate the washing with cold applications.

6. Applying ice directly on the acne lesions would reduce the swelling. It is one of the oldest practices among acne home remedies.

7. Applying topical sulphur ointment (3 to 10%) is an effective acne home remedy in suppressing acne.

8. Tea tree oil can be applied directly to acne lesions because of its antibiotic nature.

9. Having Epsom salt baths twice in a week is yet another effective acne home remedy. Prepare a bath of about 50 litres of warm water and 1 kg of Epsom salts. Dip into the bath and wash thoroughly for about half an hour.

10. Applying toothpaste on your acne lesion would reduce the swelling while you sleep. This is one of the most simple and popular acne home remedies.

Visit my blog to read more about useful acne home remedies and learn how acne sufferers have been able to cure their acne problems and reduce its recurrence in a matter of 72 hours using natural acne home remedies.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 14 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Cleocin T Medication - Uses & Side Effects

By: Alien

Clindamycin is an antibiotic. Topical clindamycin is used to help control acne. It may be used alone or with one or more other medicines that are used on the skin or taken by mouth for acne. Topical clindamycin may also be used for other problems as determined by your doctor.

Clindamycin topical prevents bacteria from growing on your skin.

Cleocin T Dosage

* You should apply a thin film of gel, solution, or lotion to the affected area 2 times a day.
* The safety and effectiveness of Cleocin T have not been established in children under 12 years of age.

Uses of Cleocin T

* Cleocin-T is an antibiotic used to treat acne.
* It may also be used to treats other medical conditions those are listed in this medication guide.

Side Effects of Cleocin T

Orally and parenterally administered Cleocin T has been associated with severe colitis which may end fatally. Abdominal pain and gastrointestinal disturbances as well as gram-negative folliculitis have also been reported in association with the use of topical formulations of clindamycin.

Before taken Cleocin T medicine, you should discuss the side effects with your doctor. If any develop or change in intensity, then you should inform your doctor as soon as possible. Side effects may include:

* Burning
* Itching
* Peeling skin
* Reddened skin
* Skin dryness

Warnings and precautions before taking Cleocin T:

* If you are allergic to clindamycin, tartrazine, or any other drugs. You should tell your doctor.
* If you have or have ever had gastrointestinal, liver, or kidney disease, you should tell your doctor.
* You should tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding. If you become pregnant while you are using clindamycin.

If your acne does not improve within about 6 weeks, or if it becomes worse, check with your health care professional. However, treatment of acne may take up to 8 to 12 weeks before full improvement is seen.

If your doctor has ordered another medicine to be applied to the skin along with this medicine, it is best to apply them at different times. This may help keep your skin from becoming too irritated. Also, if the medicines are used at or near the same time, they may not work properly.

Drug Interaction :- You have diarrhea while taking Cleocin T, check with your doctor before taking an antidiarrhea medication, as certain drugs may cause your diarrhea to become worse. The diarrhea should not be treated with the commonly used drugs that slow movement through the intestinal tract, such as Lomotil or products containing paregoric.

If you are taking Cleocin T with certain other drugs, then the effects of either could be increased, decreased, or altered. You should not use other topical prescription or over-the-counter products on the same area at the same time unless directed to do so by your doctor. So it is especially important to check with your doctor before combining Cleocin T with the other drugs.


Topically applied Cleocin T can be absorbed in sufficient amounts to produce systemic effects. Seek emergency medical attention if an overdose is suspected. Because it may lead to another serious effect. Symptoms of a clindamycin overdose include severe or bloody diarrhea along with abdominal pain.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Acne Home Remedies Beat The Living Daylights Out Of Acne!

By: Davion W

Acne home remedies are gaining popularity in recent years and this momentum is not about to stop. But before we talk about these acne home remedies, let us go through some factors and substances we should try to avoid so that we get the optimum results.

Things to Avoid

1. Greasy Cosmetics

Greasy cosmetics contain agents that may change the follicle cells and cause augmentation. When that happens, sebum cannot escape and as it builds up in the skin pores, blackheads, whiteheads and acne result.

2. Certain Drugs

If you know you are sensitive and susceptible to acne outbreaks, avoid taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs that contain androgens, barbiturates and lithium. Some substances interact with one another and develop acne as a symptom. When you taking drugs containing stanozolol, avoid mixing with medications containing any of these such as flunisolide, aerobid, aerobid-M, nasalide and bronalide.

3. Rough Skin Handling

Treat your skin with care when washing and shaving. Try not to scratch or squeeze your pimples.

4. Excessive Exposure to Sunlight and Pollutants

Avoid excessive sunlight and exposure to pollutants. Spend more time indoors than outdoors. Over dosage of sunlight would hurt our skin complexion.

5. Contact Pressure

This refers to the contact pressure between our skin and clothes or head gear we wear such as sports headgear, tight clothings etc.

Effective Acne Home Remedies

1. Grind fresh fenugreek leaves into a paste and apply it over your face every night for 15 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. This is a secret formula for clear skin.

2. Go to the supermarket and get hold of some strawberry leaves. Strawberry leaves are good alkaline. Apply them on the acne spots to suppress swelling.

3. Lemons are great as acne home remedies. There are a few uses for it. You can either use the lemon skin to massage your face or mix the juice with rose water before application on your face. Do this for 30 minutes daily and you should be able to see a marked improvement in your skin complexion.

4. Garlic is one of the best acne home remedies in the world. If you can overcome the odour, apply ground or pounded garlic on your face 2 times daily. It would work wonders on your acne.

5. Eat the oranges but leave the skin or peels behind. Grind them into a paste and apply them on the affected acne spots.

Stay on to read my blog for more useful acne home remedies and discover some secret home remedies for acne that have cured my acne sufferers of their acne within days.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Six Tips To Help You Cure Your Acne With At Home Remedies

By: Joe Stewart

Although there are some at home acne solutions that work very well, you'll need to know "fact" from "fiction"
and be thorough in your research in order to determine what really will work and what could make your acne
potentially worse than it already is.

Let's dispell a couple of myths right off the bat. Myth #1. Having acne means that you're "dirty" or a "dirty
person". This is absolutely untrue. If anyone has ever said this to you before than they're a complete,
uninformed idiot that needs to keep their mouth closed until they have something nice to say!

Myth #2. Chocolate causes acne. This is not based on fact.

Let's focus on some things that will help you to cure or prevent acne that you can use from home.

#1. Let's start in the refrigerator. You really need to watch your diet. Although chocolate hasn't been proven
as a cause of acne, packaged, processed foods ARE bad for you period! You need to include lots of fresh
fruits and vegetables in your diet. Citrus fruits are extremely helpful for battling acne. Limes, lemons and
oranges will help you to naturally clear your skin.

#2. Drink lots of water. Water will help to flush toxins that build up in your system. You should be drinking
a lot of water anyway as part of a good health routine, but it is especially important for those individuals
with skin problems. Six to eight tall glasses per day will help you a lot. No soda pop substitute!

#3. You can try applying an oatmeal mask. This is done similarly to the ladies you see on television
with the avacado all over their faces and the cucumber slices on their eyes. I'm teasing, but you do
want to apply it on your face and let it dry before removing it. Make certain that it's at room temperature
before applying. Afterward, rinse your face with warm water as this will open your pores and help to
clean them out.

#4. Drink a lot of green tea. Green tea is natures natural antitoxin and is one of the best things that
you can do to clear the toxins from your body. It doesn't taste bad either.

#5. Exercise regularly. This will help you to sweat out more toxins in your system and burn off stress.
It helps a lot, but you need to make time to do it on a regular basis.

#6. Get plenty of rest. Your body is ill and needs the proper rest in order to heal.

That does it for now. This short list is not intended to be a cure all solution to your acne, but tips that
have helped others. You need to apply them and then decide if the at home acne solutions worked out
for you. Good luck!

Article Directory: http://www.article-tree.com

วันพุธที่ 11 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Acne Solution – Offense is the Best Defense

By: Arturo R

The approach of proactive acne solution is offense is the best defense! This technique employs an amalgamation of components that work in tandem in order to cure existing acne and to prevent further outbreaks as well. The nonprescription drugs available at the local drugstores are often not helpful in cases of adult acne. The acne in adults is cystic in nature and leave scars. The treatment should be two pronged, with acne treatment followed by scar removal. Proactive acne treatment is very effective in healing the acne that commences in adulthood. The constituents one by one exfoliate the skin, kill propionibacterium that cause acne, sooth the inflammations and irritation, unclog the pores, hydrates the skin and provides protection as well. Thus this form of treatment is all inclusive, and mild yet effectual.

Proactive acne treatment is a complete acne management system and not limited to topical application. The products can be applied every day, and yet do not make the skin dry or flaky. Botanical constituents like aloe, allantoin and chamomile soothe the skin and leaves it feeling delicate and smooth to touch. The problem is treated from the root, thereby preventing resurrection of acne.

The proactive acne treatment has been designed by qualified dermatologists and involves three steps. The steps involve cleansing followed by exfoliating. After that the products penetrate deep into the skin and the acne causing bacteria are annihilated. Next step entails a restorative measure. The whole process is completed in a matter of a few minutes only, but the result is long-lasting. The overall health of the skin improves. Even formation of scars is effectively averted.

It has been reported that women suffering from acne as a result of hormonal disturbances like Polycystic Ocary Syndrome are also being benefited by the application of proactive acne treatment. Even celebrities have endorsed this product. Proactive acne treatment needs to be continued even after all existing acne is cleared away, in order to thwart any future attacks of this irritating skin condition.

Proactive acne treatment was invented only about a decade ago, and has already gained much popularity due to the efficacy of the system. It is a waste of time to continue the use of on-the-spot lotions and ointments that do not work on adult acne. There is a lot of information available on the internet regarding this novel treatment procedure and even a purchase can be carried out online.

Article Directory: http://www.article-tree.com

วันอังคารที่ 10 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Prevent Zits From Ruining Your Life

By: Steve Goltiao

So you are suffering from zits and want to know how to prevent zits from further appearing? Below are a number of different ways in which you can prevent zits from forming in the future.

1. It is important that you do not over cleanse your face. But if you do have oily skin then wash it twice a day. On the other hand, you will want to use a moisturizing cleanser if you have dry skin.

2. Always remove your makeup before going to bed. After removing your makeup wash your face and moisturize it prior to turning in for the night.

3. A good diet is vital if you want to prevent zits from forming. So avoid junk food and instead eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

4. It is important that you drink lots of water as this is a great way of keeping your skin hydrated. This keeps your skin looking fresh and new, and keeps your body cleansed on the inside too.

5. Don't touch your face. I said stop touching your face! Remember your hands are covered in all sorts
of germs and bacteria and so every time you touch your face you are transferring these from your hands.

6. If you have oily skin then you do not need a moisturizer. If you do need to use a moisturizer, use one that is light.

7. If at all possible keep your hair away from your face. Hair is oily and dirty (even though it may not look like it is). The products you use build up and can then be transferred to your skin. So try wearing your hair pulled back from your face (many zits appear on either cheeks or the forehead) and just see what difference this makes. Plus, keeping your hair pulled back at night will also help to keep dirt from being transferred while you are asleep.

8. Change your pillowcase every other night (or even every night if possible) especially if you are prone to zits. It is good to remember that both bacteria and skin cells will build up on a pillow and then end up clogging your pores. By using a fresh pillowcase you are helping to cut down the amount of dirt that is actually touching your face.

9. If you are suffering from stress this can cause a flareup of zits. Try using different methods of de-stressing such as stretching or walking. Yoga is a great way of relieving tension.

10. Along with a good diet you should ensure that you are getting the right sorts of vitamins and minerals. Take a multivitamin to provide the extra vitamins that you need.

By following the tips provided above you should be able to prevent zits from further forming in the future.

Article Directory: http://www.article-tree.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 9 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Acne Home Remedies – Nuggets of Acne Wisdom

By: Davion W

Acne home remedies have offered much relief for many acne sufferers during those bouts of unexpected outbreaks. The reasons for its popularity are the relatively cheaper cost of preparation and the absence of harmful side effects that some have come to associate with over-the-counter (OTC) or prescribed medication and creams. We will explain the risks of using OTC medication and creams and offer some alternative acne home remedies.

The truth about OTC medications is that there are potential risks when using them. Read the overleaf or product label and you would certainly find a note asking you to consult your doctor if you develop some form of abnormalities, be it rashes or fever or just about any condition. Few products can escape from a litany of side effects. It has been reported that benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, both common acne medication ingredients, may result in burning of skin and redness for some users. Antibiotics could possibly lead to side effects like stomach upset, giddiness, headaches and skin discoloration. Moreover, modern acne treatment only focuses on treating the symptoms, often neglecting the deep rooted causes behind the acne outbreaks.
Acne home remedies on the other hand deal with the main culprit behind those bouts of acne outbreaks. Acne is rarely just a skin problem. Research has linked the recurrence of acne to poor dietary habits, personal hygiene and even illnesses.

We have listed some acne home remedies that you would find useful.

1. All-Vegetable or Fruit Diet

Vegetables and fruits are great sources of antioxidants, the destroyer of free radicals and elements that are responsible for poor skin condition. You can either go on a full-fruit fast for a whole week to flush out the toxins or work on having a full-vegetable diet. Avoid citrus fruits like oranges and lemon, but eat more pears, peaches, apples and pineapples. Vegetables like carrots, kelp, seaweed, onions, garlic, sprouts and watercress are perfect for the all vegetables diet.

2. Saturated Fat-free Diet

Avoid foods with high saturated fat content such as milk, cheese, ice cream, homogenized milk, buttermilk or any other dairy products at least for a week or two. Consume these foods if you have to after the acne lesions have receded. Junk food like chips and French fries and processed foods are best avoided. Eat more tofu, broiled fish and whole grains.

3. Caffeine and Alcohol

Say no to caffeine, alcohol and carbonated drinks.

4. Application of Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil can be used as a topical medication over the acne spots. It is one of the best acne home remedies because of its antibiotic properties.

5. Application of Lemon Juice

Lemon may not be suitable for consumption when you have acne, but the juice certainly can still be used as an effective acne home remedy due to its antiseptic and astringent properties. Squash the juice and dilute it with water before applying on the acne lesions.

6. Application of Toothpaste

The tubes of toothpaste in our bathrooms are great acne home remedies. They are good for cooling off the acne. Use them on the acne areas and leave them overnight to reduce the swelling.

There are many online resources where you can find useful acne home remedies. See my blog for secret home remedies for acne that have set many acne sufferers free.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Article Directory: http://www.article-tree.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Acne Tips - Must Read BLACKLIST of Skin Care Products

By: dave

It will shock you to find out that many popular skin care brands that are targeted towards people who suffer from acne, not only aren't helping you eliminate your breakouts but are causing your acne to become worse! Find out now what you could be using that's bad for your skin.

In an effort to save you money and a lot of disappointment, here are some of the top skin care brands that are telling you less than the truth when it comes to how well their products treat acne.

Clean & Clear: Continuous Control Acne Cleanser, Continuous Control Acne Wash Oil Free, Deep Action Cleansing Wipes Oil Free, Deep Action Cream Cleanser, Clarifying Toner, Oil Fighting Deep Cleaning Astringent, Sensitive Skin Astringent, Moisturizing Mist, Invisible Blemish Treatment and Overnight Acne Patches.

Clinique: Antibacterial Facial Soap, Acne Solutions Body Treatment Spray, Acne Solutions Night Treatment Gel, Acne Solutions Daytime Shield, Acne Solutions Spot Healing Gel, Facial Soap Extra Mild, Mild and Oily Skin Formula Soaps, Rinse-Off Foaming Cleanser, Wash-Away Gel Cleanser, 7 Day Scrub Cream, Exfoliating Scrub, Clarifying Lotions 1, 2, 3 & 4, Sheer Matteness T-Zone Shine Control, Deep Cleansing Emergency Masque.

ProActive: Advanced Blemish Treatment, Daily Oil Control, Refining Mask.

Propaph: Foaming Face Wash, Astringent Cleanser Maximum Strength, Astringent Cleanser Acne Medication and Moisturizer Normal to Sensitive Skin.

Prescriptives: All Clean Sparkling Gel, Px Purifying Scrub, Flight Mist, Immediate Matte Skin Conditioning Tonic, Immediate Glow Skin Conditioning Tonic, Px Blemish Specialist Fast Acting Lotion Spot Treatment for Acne.

Also all products from Clearasil and Ella Bache.

What makes all of these products so bad for your skin? All of these products either contain potently irritating ingredients, alcohol, ingredients that badly clog pores and/or contain effective acne fighting ingredients that for various reasons their formulations have rendered useless.

Here are some of the harmful ingredients that these products contain and explanations as to why they are so bad for your skin and for treating acne.

Irritating Ingredients: Peppermint, camphor, resorcinol, sulphur, isopropyl myristate, menthol, fragrance, phthalate (a harmful toxin) and coloring agents.

Many of these products contain peppermint and menthol which is terribly irritating. Fragrance is also listed as the number one skin irritant in any skin care product. Irritation caused by ingredients like peppermint cause the skin to become red, angry and inflamed which makes acne look far worse. It also prevents the skin healing as well as it could making acne last longer and prolonging the red marks left after pimples heal.

Alcohol: This is very common in acne targeted products, it ruthlessly strips the surface of the skin of moisture causing damage, irritation, redness, dryness and flakiness. Stripping oil from the surface of your skin by using this highly irritating ingredient causes no good, and great harm.

Pore Clogging Ingredients: Vaseline, mineral oil, lanolin and all cleansers in soap form will clog your pores which will cause more pimples and magnify the severity of your breakouts.

As you can see there are many problematic skin care products that are being advertised to treat acne when in fact they only make matters worse.

The best thing you can do is to find out the truth about what causes and how it can really be treated. You need to make it your mission to study facts about acne and skin from un-bias sources like dermatologists, doctors or skin care specialists, none of whom sell their own products. Good luck!

Article Directory: http://www.article-tree.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

The Best Type Of Laser Acne Treatments For You

By: Nash Burns

Is Laser Acne Treatment The Best For You?

Acne treatment by means of laser beams has helped countless acne sufferers alleviate their problems. Some consumer eventually come to a point that over the counter product just doesnt cut it in fighting acne. Consumer may have tried countless types of over the counter product and getting rid of pimple is becoming harder. Acne laser treatment may be the ultimate solution for acne sufferers that they have been waiting for all their lives.

You can find many alternative to acne treatments and you will come across laser acne treatments as such alternative. Laser acne therapy and treatments utilize the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) Lasers and nonablative lasers. Both of this laser acne treatment will further increase your choices in the methods of eliminating acne. Even though the use of laser acne treatment is a little bit steep, the thought of painlessly removing acne is a big thumbs up for laser acne treatment.

What are the procedures involve in laser acne treatment?
This procedure in removing acne using laser has been approved and should give you the added confidence in the procedure. The acne affected areas are subjected to highly concentrated laser beam emitted by laser emitting device directly onto the blemish area. The laser beam will cause the layer beneath the skin surface to increase in heat and will cause the glands in the affected area to become smaller. Creams are applied on the area to be subjected to the laser beam treatment and as a result the whole procedure becomes painless.

Laser acne treatment types explained.
The foremost laser acne treatments are the Nonablative lasers. The laser used in the procedure are specifically used to stimulate collagen growth and tightens the skin underneath. These are some of the result achieved using the laser acne treatment: improved skin tone, fine line reduction on the skin surface and improvement in the skin appearance and this is often said to be the best acne treatment options available.

This erbium laser treatment works best on those that have mild to moderate acne problems and also for those that have moderate facial lines. The procedure used in the ER laser treatment is one of the best ways for removal of acne and blemish.

The CO2 is another laser treatment which utilize light energy in its procedure. The laser emits short energy burst which are use to vaporize the acne prone tissue. CO2 laser acne treatment is very effective in removing blemishes and pimple and should be given a second thought despite its relatively high cost.

The side effect of using acne treatment: is there any?
Even the use of laser acne treatments are effective, there are some side effects associated with using the treatment namely: skin crusting, skin discoloration and in certain known cases are swelling on the treated area. High level of pigmentation are known to have ensued after undergoing carbon dioxide laser acne treatment. Even though there are risks of side effect with acne laser treatment, the percentage of occurrence is fairly low as compared to chemical based treatments and it should not be ruled out as possible treatment for you.

Article Directory: http://www.article-tree.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 6 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Acne Treatments - Understanding Acne Scars To Treat Them

By: Alien

This acne scar is not an ordinary scar. It has a “S” & “Car” in it. Firstly you have to see what “model” is your sCAR. The cost of treatment for certain types of scars is very costly. Therefore, before committing to treatment of acne scars, you should have a frank discussion with your dermatologist, in all the aspects. As, terminating the scar treatment at an incomplete stage, may be counter-productive for you. Acne scars are treated in several stages based on the type of scar. They are like the episodes of a TV serial. Some stage of the story is covered in every episode, and a deliberate suspense is created at the ending. Here, the dermatologist may not deliberately try to keep you in suspense, but after completion of every stage, it is natural for you to have your quota of suspense, “Will this scar fully heal?”

There is no doubt that innovative skin care technology for acne, bums, surgery and piercing has arrived. The dermatologist will give you tens of reasons to get beautiful, getting rid of scars. He has documents of many success stories. You arrived at his clinic with scar-removal temptation, and your temptation is now confirmed. He has explained to you doubt-proof methods to reduce and eliminate acne scars.

Acne scars can affect anyone. After the healing process, the skin is left with a discoloration that may take months to heal. 6 to 18 months is the normal estimate. If the scar still persists, and is in no mood to go, then surgical methods are the only alternative.

Since the scars are visible, they cause embarrassment. There is nothing to worry about the macules of “pseduo-scars”. When it eventually disappears in the natural processing of healing, it leaves no trace. Post-inflammatory pigmentation is discoloration of the skin at the site of a healed acne lesion, which may last up to 18 months. Chemical peeling is likely to hasten the disappearance of post-inflammatory healing process.

It is better to bear the scars if they are not in the visible part of the body. It is difficult to predict how successfully scars can be treated. For, the healing duration differs from case to case. Acne scars are generally categorized in two types: (a) scars caused by increased tissue formation and (b) scars caused by the loss of tissue. The decision to seek surgical treatment is an important one. The type of treatment has to suit you best. The experience and expertise of the dermatologist come to play an important part here. He may fail sometimes, at your cost, despite of his best efforts. You have to make your personal decision whether to live in the company of your scar/s,unless it is a psychological burden for you.

Scar treatment usually improves the appearance of the skin. But if your expectation is total restoration, it is an impossibility. The main aim of any acne scar treatment is basically to provide you a totally acceptable look. To have a complete restoration of your previous look is far than a possibility.

So, ultimately, it is the same old story East or West, dermatologist is the best! Go by his advice and stick to your decision, a firm decision indeed!

Article Directory: http://www.article-tree.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Acne Treatments - Acne Solutions For Adult Skin

By: Alien

Acne is generally associated with teenagers but an interesting study have revealed that around 50% of adult women and 25% of adults also experience this problem. Exact causes for adult acne are yet to ascertained but still it is believed to be caused hormonal changes.

Acne can have a devastating effect not only on the person's physical structure but can also have severe effects on a person's personality and outlook. So, it is paramount to find effective acne solutions for adult skin. Following are few of the measures you can adopt to stay away from adult acne.

Some specific type of medications like steroids and oral contraceptives can cause the skin to burst out. If these are the causes of your acne outbreaks you should immediately consult your doctor.

Also, you should keep care of your health and diet. You should take note of the thing that your diet consists of the right amount of nutrient supply, you can also go for vitamin supplements. You should also take lots of water to keep your skin fresh and lively.

You should at best stay away from bouts of stress and anxiety. Exercise, medicine and yoga are some good things to try. Also, engaging yourself in your best hobby and taking to your friends helps to release some pressure.

Probably the best acne solution for adult skin is to keep your skin clear of dirt, oil and dead cells. You should regularly wash your face with water and avoid using harsh creams. Squeezing or pricking a pimple will not help but further aggravate the situation.

The most commonly used acne-control agents today contain either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. But going for oral or topical treatments can prove costly as they contain a lot of side-effects.

Acne solutions for adult skin also includes the home remedies or natural treatments. Certain therapies have indeed shown good results but take some time to work upon, like tea tree oil, clove oil and fenugreek, Green tea, Ginger/milk, honey/cinnamon and turmeric/vinegar combination poultices also appear to be useful in treating acne.

Article Directory: http://www.article-tree.com

วันพุธที่ 4 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Acne Treatments - Acne Water Treatment

By: Alien

We humans are gifted with healing properties of the nature. Though, hardly do we know about them. There is a whole branch of naturopathy that advocates use of water, air, and sunshine to treat the diseases.

Yes, you can cure acne with water. WATER- that is available to you in abundance is the nature's gift to you to treat your maladies like acne.

So, let's get set to the mission "AcneTalks: Be Acne Free" with water today.

Water, the natural by-product, works both internally and externally to treat your acne. To get rid of acne forever, you simply need to include these 2 new aspects in your life.

Internal Treatment Of Acne With Water
About 70% of your body is made of water. And your skin is not an exception to this. It needs a lot of water which is beneficial for making cells healthier. This is particularly more relevant to the external area of your skin, which is exposed to dust and harmful substances.

The dust and other pollutants dehydrate the skin cells. When cells are dehydrated, they have reduced capability of functioning, rebuilding and healing, or removing waste efficiently.

Thus you need to consume a lot of water to replenish your skin. The consumption of water greatly enhances the cells' ability to function properly and reduce acne blemishes. But how much water is enough for your skin? For a healthy person, 1 gallon or 3.8 liters of water intake everyday is sufficient to establish healthy skin. Yes! It is that simple to keep acne away!

External Treatment Of Acne With Water
Water is extensively used for cleansing purposes and this is perhaps the most frequent use of water known to us. Still I put a question to you- do you clean your acne-affected area sufficiently? Or, do you avoid cleaning the acne affected area in the fear of getting more acne?

If YES is the answer to the second question, I am afraid to say you have done a blunder up till now and have made your skin's condition even worse.

You should clean your acne affected area three times a day with pure running water to detoxify it. This will help you get rid of the infection which may have occurred due to touching or pricking the acne bumps. You can also use purified warm water and mix some salt in it to cleanse your face or other affected area and remove excess oil and dirt from it. It reduces the secretion of oil and avoids clogged pores and acne breakouts.

Washing your skin 2-3 times serves the purpose of cleansing for most of your acne prone skin. If you want to make use of synthetic products like soaps and face wash then you need to use only those products that are made for acne prone skin.

And if you read the other article, you know which face wash and soaps you can use for better results.

All in all, water is indispensable element for cleaning and nourishing your skin. Your body has got inherited power to dispel negative energies and maintain a good health. And with water, you will only trigger this natural mechanism in you to action.

Try to treat acne ridden skin with water and the results are sure to turn on your side. All the best!

Article Directory: http://www.article-tree.com

วันอังคารที่ 3 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Acne Treatment - Seeing A Dermatologist

By: Alien

Mild acne, though is not a serious condition, it is always better to consult a dermatologist for acne break-out. You can get valuable information about the cause of acne as well as learn about the options for treatment. Also, a condition called keratosis pilaris exists which is sometimes confused with acne. So, consulting with a dermatologist helps you determine as to which condition do you actually have. This way, you can prevent wasting time over inappropriate treatments.

Mild conditions of acne can be properly treated with over-the-counter medications but more severe cases demand the attention of a doctor. Acne can cause physical as well as emotional conditions and can lead to permanent scarring if not treated properly. When acne does not respond to over-the-counter medications you should consult with a dermatologist for treatment.

It is a better idea to prepare for your first consultation by writing down as much information about your acne as possible. The physician will want to know the background- how long you have had acne, what form it takes (blackheads, whiteheads, lesions etc.) and what you have done to cure it. You may be questioned if your parents or siblings had acne and how severe it was for them. It is better to tell the doctor if you are allergic to certain medicines. Girls may be asked to explain their menstrual period and boys may need to say how often they shave.

The dermatologist may offer different treatments so knowing a bit about the various options can help you make an informed decision. Antibiotics are used to control the bacteria that cause acne. Antibiotics can be given orally or in a lotion that is applied to the skin.

Topical treatments is made of benzoyl peroxide and retinoic acid. These are usually prescribed in gel form. In severe cases of acne, physical treatments may be what is needed. These are the removal of blackheads and whiteheads and the drainage of cysts. It is important to follow directions given by the doctor. Don't take more or less of a medication than prescribed. Always be informed about your condition and arrive the information you require. Write down questions that you may ask your doctor at your next consultation. Common questions include:

· What type of treatment is best for me? · How soon will I get to see results? · How long will the treatment continue? · Are there any side effects? · How should I look after my skin? · Can I makeup? · How can I stay away from acne scars?

Treatment for severe acne may last for some time. Each time you see your doctor, make sure to clear up any questions or concerns you have about acne or your treatment. Try to get as well-informed as possible so that you can participate fully in your acne treatment.

Article Directory: http://www.article-tree.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 2 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Acne Treatments - Acne Vulgaris And Its Causes

By: Alien

Acne vulgaris, commonly known as acne or pimples, is a common skin disorder that plagues about 85% to 100% of people at some time during their lives. It affects people of every age, gender and race, although it is more evident in teenagers. Acne vulgaris is actually characterized by non-inflammatory follicular papules or comedones as well as by inflammatory papules, pustules, and nodules in its more acute forms.

Acne vulgaris occur as it affects the areas of the skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles. The common areas affected are the face, neck, upper part of the chest, and the back, although it may also appear on different parts of the body like the head and the genital area.

Numerous studies have noted that there are generally four major factors that are responsible for the development of an acne lesion. The pathogenesis of acne vulgaris is deemed multifactorial due to this finding. These four factors that trigger the development of acne vulgaris include the follicular epidermal hyperproliferation and hyperkeratinization, excess sebum, propionibacterium acnes, and inflammation.

The follicular epidermal hyperproliferation and hyperkeratinization actually appears to be one of the main events in the formation and development of acne vulgaris. The findings have noted that the increasing levels of the adrenally derived androgen dehydropiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) are correlated with the emergence of the microcomedo, which is actually the primary acne vulgaris lesion. This development may then aggravate the follicular epidermal hyperproliferation, which may also be stimulated by an alteration in sebum and lipid levels in the acne vulgaris lesions.

Excess sebum is the second factor in the formation of acne vulgaris. It plays its role as the hormonal changes greatly trigger the formation of acne vulgaris. Then, there is the P. acnes, which is a microaerophilic organism found in many acne vulgaris lesions. It basically stimulates inflammation by emitting proinflammatory mediators that disperse through the follicle wall. Some findings also note that hypersensitivity to P. acnes can explain why many of the people develop inflammatory acne vulgaris.

Finally, recent studies have shown that inflammation may be a primary or secondary phenomenon in the development of acne vulgaris. Its secondary inflammatory response has been shown on its association to P. acnes. However, the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1??expression has been recognized in the microcomedone, which may play a large role in the formation of acne vulgaris.

Acne vulgaris, through recent findings, has been found out to cause physical pain and psychological suffering. It can even lead to scarring which may last for a lifetime, and certain illness like fever and arthritis may result from it.

Article Directory: http://www.article-tree.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

Acne Treatments - Heck, Do Not Be So Anxious. Relax! Pals

By: Alien

There are too many circumstances, too many big events that come up and require the significant other or the afflicted to scream, “Get the acne cream, stat!” The unexpected and of course unwanted zit appears just as our biggest moment approaches, be it a wedding, a high school graduation or prom, a first date, a job interview, or any other appointment where first impressions will keep the acne cream companies in business.

TV sit-coms play on this debacle with which so many of us identify: in one episode of "Wings," for instance, Joe Hackett (played by the typically beautiful Timothy Daly), is getting ready for his high school reunion on the island of Nantucket. Joe’s brother, Brian (played by the equally gorgeous Steven Weber)--who classically gets his kicks pointing out flaws his brother inevitably has--points out a huge zit that has appeared suddenly on Joe’s nose. The zit, of course, is of the kind and size that you'd want to lance and medicate ASAP, retrieving the magic acne cream that really does work...if not in an hour at least overnight. For the sake of the sit-com laugh, however, Joe obsesses over unpleasant development every five minutes, over-burdening his acne cream of choice by expecting too much too soon.

This is not to say that acne cream doesn’t work; acne cream just does not perform at an absurdly rapid rate...over a period of thirty sit-com minutes. Rather, acne cream requires a few steps or considerations in order for it to be, still, a miracle acne cream.

For example, you need to consider what kind of skin you have and which acne cream or product is appropriate—and fast-acting:

IF YOU HAVE OILY SKIN…..takes best to a medicated acne product or one in gel form.
IF YOU HAVE DRY SKIN…...likes the acne cream form and medicated products with benzoyl peroxide or salycic acid.
IF YOU HAVE BOTH OILY AND DRY (COMBINED TYPE)…..will heal by areas where the acne lives and so will need oily skin gels and dry skin acne creams, accordingly.

IF YOU HAVE SENSITIVE SKIN…..will need less intense concentrations of either dry, oily, or combined-type treatments.
IF YOU HAVE SKIN IN PAIN BECAUSE OF ACNE…..should get attention from a dermatologist.

In another real (well, sit-com) instance, in an episode of Roseanne, Dan Conner (played by John Goodman), the normally ruby-cheeked and adorable working-class guy, has to deal with the same problem Joe Hackett and many of us have had to deal with: he is getting ready for a reunion and finds he has a massive zit, a zit he hasn't had since adolescence. Acne cream, again, is a solution, but maybe not a fair one. Better to relax, as that acne is appearing because of stress, touching the face, or exaggerated oils brought on by the impact of work, sweat, and anxiety over the past or what have you.

We real-life characters have experienced these sudden, ill-timed breakouts and we maybe have children or a past record of needing warehouses of acne cream and other skin products and treatments. All we need do, instead of freaking out further and having a contest to see who gets to pop first, is investigate a bit, ask a few questions of our primary care physician or dermatologist, and do a couple of experiments of our own. When we approach the results, we keep in mind the above acne cream checklist of suggestions. And we opt for make-up if all else fails…if the event comes before the acne cream has a chance.

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